- A Systematic Review of the Safety and Effect of Neurofeedback on Fatigue and Cognition
Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, MScN, and Dianne Groll, RN, PhD. - Brain-Mind Operational Architectonics Imaging: Technical and Methodological Aspects
- Effets du neurofeedback sur la fatigue et les troubles cognitifs qui surviennent après un cancer
- Efficacy of EEG Biofeedback in Addressing Cognitive Dysfunction in Cancer Survivors
- Exploring the Effect of Neurofeedback on Postcancer Cognitive Impairment and Fatigue: A Pilot Feasibility Study
- Exploring the Use of Neurofeedback with an Adult Male with an Autistic Spectrum Condition and a History of Sexual Offending: A Single Case Study
- Neurofeedback as a Form of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy Following Stroke: A Systematic Review
- Neurofeedback Dinamico Non Lineare: Un Nuovo Approccio al Trattamento degli Acufeni tramite Neuomodulazione Cerebrale
- The Effect of EEG Biofeedback on Reducing Postcancer Cognitive Impairment
- The Effects of Neurofeedback Training on College Students’ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms
- Use of Complementary Therapies for Side Effect Management in Breast Cancer
- Using Neurofeedback to Manage Long-Term Symptoms in Cancer Survivors: Results of a Survey of Neurofeedback Providers